
NIS (Neurological Integration System)
Neurological Integration System (NIS) is a non-invasive, brain-based health approach that uses neuroplasticity to optimize your body systems. Because every body function involves neurological communication, NIS can affect the entire body.
Through touch and muscle testing we are able to access the brain and body’s neurological and emotional pathways to INVESTIGATE what is weakened, broken down or not working at all. We then INTEGRATE to rebuild change and homeostasis in these same pathways. Your arm acts as neurological test not a strength test and is an indicator to determine whether confusion is associated with any part of your body/brain system.
Specializing in acute and chronic pain and illness. Neurological Integration System uses the latest scientific research to address CAUSES not symptoms at a cellular level. Suitable for the whole family.
NET (Neuro Emotional Technique)
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a mind-body approach that focuses on the treatment of stress-related conditions. NET is based on mind body techniques that recognize and alleviate neurological imbalances that are associated with physiology and unresolved stress. It determines the relationship between the body’s emotional health, environmental toxicity, nutritional balance and structural integrity to help improve physical and behavioral conditions.
NET is a tool that can help improve many behavioral and physical conditions using a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress.